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Monday, October 17, 2011

Sex Position of the Day-Tight Squeeze

Erotic Instructions:

Lie down on your stomach and, keeping your legs straight, spread them slightly. Rest your arms by your side, or stretch them out in front of you. Have your guy stretch his body over yours, resting on his elbows so he doesn’t place all his weight on you. He then positions his legs outside your legs. As he enters you, close your legs and cross them at the ankles.

Why You'll Love It:
With your legs clenched and your ankles crossed, you can feel the entire length of your man’s member and grip it tight, creating loads of feel-good friction as he thrusts deep. While you’re rocking randily, have him reach under you and play with your breasts, or brush his lips against your neck and nibble on your earlobe. Though this move offers mega sensation, there isn’t a lot of motion, so it’s a prime pose for guys hoping to hold off on climaxing.